Sniper is the agility hero.The first advantage of Sniper over other heroes is range.Sniper has the longest range in Dota.Sniper can shoot at towers without getting hit.Add to the fact that Sniper has a very fast attack animation.Sniper is an excellent harassing hero,last hitter and denier.One of the weakest carriers defensive wise. He’s got the longest range in the game and rightly so. Once you get close he’s not hard to deal with unless he’s gotten pretty geared. He’s a fairly noob friendly hero with his far range, but if you put him in a pro’s hands he can be a farming machine and very frightening.Sniper is a testament to his name and race.Using only Sniper's finely honed skills of markmanship and his trusty rifle,Sniper systematically destroys his opponents from a far distance.Taking great care to aim for the most vulnerable of areas,Sniper is capable of severely injuring an opponent, and with a little extra time,has been known to simply dispose of an enemy in a single shot.Sniper's rifle is equipped with a secondary barrel, capable of launching a short busrst of shrapnel at close range,causing massive damage.You can terminate any hero which is running away with a click.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Posted by IsShiDa.Zx
1:05 AM, under | No comments
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