Luna Moonfang is an agility hero.Luna Moonfang is an expert carrier and farmer. Her nukes give a mini stun which is extremely useful and she has a great range with it as well. It’s great for chasing. Her passives make farming and dealing damage even easier and if this much damage wasn’t enough the guranteed demolition of the opponent whenever you cast your ultimate should be more than enough.Luna Moonfang may look and feel soft and tender, but Luna Moonfang can deal great amounts of damage to both single and multiple foes.Luna Moonfang's Lucent Beams inflict ample damage from high range early on, and Luna Moonfang's ultimate Eclipse fires multiple beams rapidly at random targets around her, making quick work of isolated opponents.Luna Moonfang's glaive attacks passively bounce from one target to the next, allowing her to deal damage to a number of units, and can become extremely powerful if enough damage is acquired. Luna Moonfang passively empowers herself and nearby allies with a Lucent Blessing,which also increases Luna Moonfang's night vision. Luna Moonfang needs to be kept down, and to bring Luna Moonfang down one must approach with caution, precision or backup.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Luna Moonfang
Posted by IsShiDa.Zx
11:45 PM, under | No comments
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