Faceless Void is an agility hero.Faceless Void was once human,but his background is shrouded in darkness, even to himself. What we know is that Faceless Void was thrown into the Void between worlds and has emerged with the power of manipulating time.Faceless Void can freeze his enemies in time and avoid hits by traveling a split-second back in time, right before receiving the blow. Faceless Void can briefly rip apart the fabric of space-time to freeze both allies and opponents around him, yet remain free himself to act. It is rumored that Faceless Void can instantly strike any man in a legion of soldiers, but nobody sees him move.Faceless Void is a good hero, but in most situations shouldnt be built like a tank, because Faceless Void will get smashed by anyone with any damage return/counterbash/disable.The best build for Faceless Void takes advantage of his chronsphere, which gives you up to 5 seconds at (level16) to KILL a hero, not take them down in order to finish them later, but kill them outright.Faceless Void in this case is essentailly an assasin, who pops out of nowhere,chronophere and kills the even the most dangerous hero.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Faceless Void
Posted by IsShiDa.Zx
12:28 AM, under | No comments
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