Mogul Khan is a strength hero.Mogul Khan's ability to disrupt an enemy team is legendary, his tanking skills renowned.Mogul Khan's Battle Hunger gives enemies the choice between staying back and taking damage, or engaging in battle and risking being trapped by Berserker's Call.Mogul Khan spins like a top and deals a lot of damage to all the enemies near or around him.The extremely effective combination of Berserker's Call and Counter Helix can cause massive amounts of damage to a large group of enemies, while allowing Mogul Khan's allies free reign. If an enemy should manage to escape Mogul Khan's Call, Mogul Khan can abruptly end their life with his mighty Culling Blade. Truly, Mogul Khan is an enemy to be feared, lest his opponents taste his blade.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Mogul Khan
Posted by IsShiDa.Zx
8:19 AM, under | No comments
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