Medusa is a tank, both in durability and AOE damage, once she is fully leveled. Her early game consists of spamming Mystic Snake for gold and harass. Split Shot will become truly formidable after you've acquired damage item. You need to be in the center of team fights, as you can effectively output 300% damage with Split Arrow. Focus fire on you is mitigated by your Mana Shield for tanking and Stone Gaze which slows movement and attack speed, dispels status buffs and damage summon units.Medusa has decent overall stats growth which is good as medusa needs all 3 attributes.Medusa base strength is rather low to make up with potential HP provided by mana shield.Her main attribute growth is average,Medusa's not the imba stats growth type but a skill-based cary, meaning levellling up is very important.Medusa base damage and attack animation ranks among the average, good last hitting ability is required.Medusa base armor is low, don't get hit too much early game.Medusa is a surprisingly resilient hero with a wide array of skills that fulfill numerous roles.Medusa’s got great stats development and is pretty useful in all the game. It’s really hard to profile her an early/mid/late game when Medusa’s such an excellent hero all game. Medusa's rainbow of skills allow her to carry, tank, farm, and even debuff. Medusa is, essentially, a jack of all trades, but ideally Medusa’s a great carrier.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Posted by IsShiDa.Zx
1:28 AM, under | No comments
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