Earthshaker is a strength hero.Although the Earthshaker is a strength hero, Earthshaker's real power lies in his spells. With a well-placed Echo Slam, Raigor can single-handedly level an entire team of enemies if they are foolish enough to bunch together.Earthshaker's Fissure spell is very versatile. While it deals decent damage along with a stun, it also creates an impassible wall of rock for several seconds. A skilled Earthshaker can use this to his advantage, blocking enemy movement and trapping hapless foes between a rock and a hard place. Enchant Totem gives Earthshaker a significant damage boost for one attack, and Earthshaker's passive Aftershock ability causes a minor stun and damage effect under him every time he casts one of his spells. Although Earthshaker is one of the more difficult heroes to use to his full strength, Earthshaker is also known as one of the most deadly heroes in skilled hands.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Posted by IsShiDa.Zx
10:54 PM, under | No comments
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