Razor is an agility hero.Razor is a true blue carry hero and farmer. Razor moves fast,Razor attacks fast, and is easily one of the top farmers and especially friendly. Razor's fast attack speed makes last hitting particularly easy as well. Not to mention Razor’s got a nuke that’s great for harassing and sniping and his aura that helps Razor regenerate and move even faster.Razor releases a wave energetic plasma which grows in power as it extends outwards so i.e. Razor deals damage to units both on expansion and on contraction. The further the plasma is from Razor the more energy it has.Taps into the energy of a target hero, creating a charged link between Razor and his foe. As long as this link is maintained, Razor will continue to steal damage from the target and adds it to his own. Drains up to 10 seconds. Bonus lasts 13 seconds after that to Razor.Razor’s very body is a constantly shifting miasma of dark energy.Razor calls upon a powerful storm of crackling energy, which strikes weakened enemies with deadly bolts of Razor's lightning.The storm is charged with Razor’s malevolent will, and will seek out only the most injured targets for its armor shattering blasts.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Posted by IsShiDa.Zx
11:11 PM, under | No comments
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