
Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Posted by IsShiDa.Zx 7:41 AM, under | No comments

Lifestealer, a strength type hero who is also known as N'aix, is one of the best late gamers. Lifestealer is a hero who gets stronger and tougher as the game continues. There once was a man in Lordaeron so consumed by greed that Lifestealer was beyond remorse. Eventually caught trying to steal Prince Arthas` sacred ring, Lifestealer was tied and hanged. Yet his body, so corrupted by his desire to steal, had risen by itself in the form of a monstrous ghoul. So came into being N`aix, his old name long forgotten: the embodiment of lust and greed, bent on stealing the life of every living creature Lifestealer encounters. His skill are so awsome.
Rage when activated, will turn N’aix in a rage that will increase his attack speed and makes him immune to magic for a short period of time. This skill will give you higher chances of surviving battles because it makes you immune to the enemy’s skills. Feast regenerates hitpoints based from a portion of the damage you dealt to your enemies with each of your attacks. To be simpler, this skill is what we know as “lifesteal". Open Wounds is casted on enemies. This skill will slow enemy’s movement speed. They will slowly recover their original movement speed after 8 seconds. When Open Wounds is casted on an enemy, that enemy will give you life when you and your allied units are attacking it. This skill is useful if your health points are beginning to reach the crucial range (the point where you are likely to die). It is also useful for chasing enemies. Infest is a skill which can be casted on creeps (allied and neutral for lvl 1, and allied, enemy and neutral for lvls 2 and 3.)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Posted by IsShiDa.Zx 8:01 PM, under | No comments

Lycanthrope is a strength hero. Lycanthrope is also known as Banehallow. Lycanthrope is an avatar of bestial fury created by the scourge. For years Lycanthrope has dwelled in the dark forests of the world, hunting innocents that wander therein. Now Lycanthrope is called to aid his masters. Lycanthrope revels in blood and battle, using his wolfish persona to draw the feral beasts to his side and imbue his allies with his flesh-shredding strength. Lycanthrope is also unnaturally quick and agile. Some say Lycanthrope can even transform into a giant wolf, giving him more durability and the speed to gouge and maim with near impunity. Lycanthrope is one of the best heroes you can choose in DotA. Lycanthrope is a hunter, a pusher, a jungler, a chaser dan a killer… Lycanthrope is strong enough to kill roshan alone when he goes level 7...


Posted by IsShiDa.Zx 9:05 AM, under | No comments


Lanaya is an Agility hero. Lanaya is also known as Templar Assassin. The apprentice of a legendary creature from Aiur, Lanaya is a psychic adept who specializes in strategic assassination for the Sentinels. Lanaya's psionic abilities manifest in and out of combat, and can be used to amplify damage while attacking, to protect her from enemy assault, or cloak herself invisibly before lashing out at an unfortunate passerby. And so more often than not, the foes that encounter the Templar on the battlefield find themselves dead and buried, their lives cut short as Lanaya fades back into the shadows, waiting for a new prey.


Posted by IsShiDa.Zx 8:48 AM, under | No comments


Krobelus is an Intelligence hero.Krobelus is also known as Death Prophet. Krobelus spent her living days as a fervent member of a cult of Death Sayers. Her belief in the ways of death and the perfect harmony it brings has given her dead spirit a chance to wreak havoc among the chaotic living. Krobelus uses her abilities to call upon carnivorous bats and long dead spirits to lay to rest all who still pump blood through their veins. Krobelus augments her powers through the use of witchcraft, and she ( Krobelus ) is able to make opponents gape in fear, losing the focus needed to cast spells. Krobelus is devoted to death in all it's aspects, and would see all turned to ash.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Crystal Maiden

Posted by IsShiDa.Zx 8:22 AM, under | No comments

Crystal Maiden
Rylai Crestfall, the Crystal Maiden is an Intelligence hero that can be selected from Sentinel's tavern. Crystal Maiden is all about spells, even her passive skill screams that out by giving you mana regeneration.This is the hero that has one of the most powerful ulties in the game ,DoTA .
A good initiater , got a gr8 stun kind of skill which stops the enemy hero for 3 seconds , got massive spamming skills along with the awesome global mana-regeneration , which goes up to 2.4 mana regeneration per second .Heroes in other lanes can spam the hell out of the opponents. And finally the imba ulti is too good.Aghanim's Scepter improves explosion damage to 170/250/310. Under the right circumstances it has the potential to wreak havoc, but often it's canceled early.

Monday, April 18, 2011


Posted by IsShiDa.Zx 10:17 PM, under | No comments

JakiroJakiro is an intelligence hero who is a good lane coverer.Jakiro currently isn't used much, neither in competitive DotA nor in public games. That doesn't mean that Jakiro's a bad hero though. Jakiro is a fun hero to use, all his 3 active skills require some sort of aiming, positioning and timing for maximum effect. Jakiro is a very potent pusher and has loads of AoE-spells up his sleeve to create havoc in clashes. Due to Jakiro's strange mystical nature, he has a strange affinity with the element forces of ice and fire, allows Jakiro to devastate all he sees before him, and is more than capable of keeping a targets enemy in his line of fury. Jakiro is currently a very strong and powerful hero both in inhouses or pubbies and has a place in higher level play. By nature, Twin Head Dragon is a support hero, he is great in ganging, farming and pushing and has thepotential to dominate a lane with ease.Unfortunately he has trouble with teams that focus on armor reduction, which are rather common these days... Jakiro's teamfight-presence is easily countered by Blademails, Pipes and Hoods.


Posted by IsShiDa.Zx 10:03 PM, under | No comments

BalanarBalanar is a strength hero who can a killing machine.Beware, you who wander the night. Each step you take leads you deeper into the hideous reign of the horrible ruler of the dark. The Night Stalker Balanar, elite dreadlord who brought the total darkness of the Nether into this world, haunts these regions. Your heart will pump harder, your legs will shake, and your mind wil cloud as the presence of the night stalker Balanar hunts you in the dark. There's no chance to fight, no way to run, and no place to hide - darkness is every where! You can pray, ou can cry, but Balanar and the darkness won't be stopped... until you die or the sun rises again. Balanar will easily kill a hero if he is alone at night, either by chasing or by fighting. Balanar can kill more than one opponent at a time if he has a life steel item like: mask of madness, helm, satanic... Balanar will be a deadly hero is he is handed over critical item like crystalis or buriza...

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Posted by IsShiDa.Zx 6:17 AM, under | No comments

AbaddonAbaddon is a strength hero.Abaddon is best played as a supportive tank.Abaddon is a most difficult hero to kill in DotA Allstars, thanks to his Aphotic Shield and Borrowed Time. While he can easily be made into a tank, his role is often that of a support hero, as all three of Abaddon's basic skills benefit his allies while Abaddon's ultimate allows him to survive in team fights. Therefore he should have Heart to take more hitpoints.A former paladin of great renown, Abaddon fell into darkness during the invasion of the Burning Legion, becoming possessed by many demons, corrupting both his soul and his powers. Now a Death Knight set high in the Lich King's hierarchy of generals, Abaddon rides into battle against impossible odds, never stopping until he reaches the World Tree itself. Whether enhancing his own fortitude with a shield of dark energy, or using his life force to aid in combat, Abaddon leads the armies of the Scourge ever onward, forever locked in combat with the forces of good, and Abaddon enemies who were once his greatest comrades.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Posted by IsShiDa.Zx 9:58 AM, under | No comments

EnchantressEnchantress is an intelligence hero and a popular DOTA sentinel hero. The Enchantress has a wide range of abilities, making her useful in any team, and is also very friendly to both new players and people who like to solo. Enchantress can temporarily take over neutral units (much like Chen) and use them against your enemies. Slows targets, and their attack speed when they strike her. Enchantress can use wisps from the night elf forest to give herself and any nearby allies an ungodly health regeneration rate. Enchantress also deals pure damage (unreducable) based on how far she is from her enemy. Although all Dryads are Cenarius' daughters, Enchantress is said to be his first and favorite. Because of Enchantress direct relation to him, Enchantress has borrowed much of his powers. This is demonstrated by Enchantress control over the shy Wisps which she uses to heal her allies, and her ability to bring an opponent under the will of the Sentinel. Preferring ranged combat to melee, Enchantress fashioned a spear that strikes with more force the further her target is away. Enchantress agility is unmatched, and any opponent attempting to kill her will find she skips ahead of them with surprising ease..

Drow Ranger

Posted by IsShiDa.Zx 9:22 AM, under | No comments

Drow RangerDrow Ranger is an agility hero whose agility is very much and can be proved dangerous.Drow Ranger is able to be quite a versatile fighter. Drow Ranger can provide constant support with her Frost Arrows to keep enemies pinned, Silence them so they can't retaliate with spells once they're forced to fight, and deal nice damage with her passive Trueshot Aura and Marksmanship abilities, which capitalize on and offer agility respectively. A good Archer will keep their distance, kiting an enemy in constant barrage, never letting them get dangerously close, and Drow Ranger is capable of harashing heroes. Drow Ranger agility is awesome and her attack is induced with frost effect which can slow enemy's speed. Drow Ranger can easily chase and kill her enemies if it is not a trap. Drow Ranger is one of carry who can own the game when she got her right items.

Knight Davion

Posted by IsShiDa.Zx 9:11 AM, under | No comments

Knight DavionKnight Davion who is also known as Dragon Knight is a strength hero.Knight Davion is a powerful warrior who calls upon his draconic heritage to augment his already fearsome combat abilities. Knight Davion has two powerful offensive skills: Dragon Tail and Breathe Fire. Dragon Tail allows Knight Davion to stun a single enemy target for several seconds, and Breathe Fire taps into his inner dragon to unleash a powerful area of effect attack. This potent offense is supported by Davion's Dragon Blood passive skill, which makes Knight Davion extremely difficult to kill by boosting his armor and hit point regeneration significantly. Combined together, these abilities make the Knight Davion a tough, versatile fighter. At higher levels, the Knight Davion gains the ability to transform completely into dragon form. The abilities and strength of the dragon form increase with levels. At maximum level, Knight Davion transforms into a mighty blue dragon with an area of effect cold attack, which drastically slows all enemies caught in the freezing blasts. Along with Knight Davion natural combat skills and toughness, this makes Knight Davion an extremely dangerous foe.

Bone Fletcher

Posted by IsShiDa.Zx 9:04 AM, under | No comments

Bone FletcherBone Fletcher is an agility hero who is also known as Clinkz. An elvish archer in life; a nightmare in death. With only his arrows left of his past life, Bone Fletcher exists now only to perfect his archery. Bone Fletcher moves like the wind, shooting his flaming arrows just as fast, and isn’t above sacrificing the Scourge`s own soldiers for his purposes.” That is only the first half of the description of the character Bone Fletcher from DotA. Bone Fletcher is a very powerful hero. With the spells of strafe, searing arrows, windwalk, and an ultimate of death pact Bone Fletcher is able to attack extremely fast, improve his damage immensely, escape out of tight situations with invisibility, and heal himself whenever there are creeps around, respectively. With these abilities, Clinkz the Bone Fletcher is able to deal damage, run away, and take hits whenever Bone Fletcheris needs.


Posted by IsShiDa.Zx 8:48 AM, under | No comments

AtroposAtropos who is also known as Bane Elemental is an intelligence hero. Atropos is an elemental force personifying the nightmares and fear of this world. Atropos manifests where there is promise of inflicting horror and feeding off dread. Sapping his foes’ psyche heals him. Manifesting his enemies’ fears, Atropos greatly enfeebles their ability to fight. Atropos revels in disabling foes by sending them into dread slumber. When need be he can rip his soul and force it into his foes, effectively immobilizing them with despair and pain. Atropos can be also called as fear.


Posted by IsShiDa.Zx 8:34 AM, under | No comments

AkashaAkasha who is known as Queen Of Pain is an intelligence hero.Akasha is one of the many souls claimed by the blade, Frostmourne. Raised to serve the Lich King as a Banshee, Akasha desired to become pure substance once more. Driving deep into the forests, Akasha was able to subdue and possess a Succubus minion. Rightly bearing the title, Queen of Pain, Akasha enjoys nothing more than inflicting massive damage on her foes, using both the poisonous strikes of her succubus host and the vicious howls retained from her Banshee nature. Akasha breaks her enemies' eardrums with torturing screams, some so loud they manifest into powerful waves that ripple across the lands, shattering all in their wake.Akasha is one of the most-used hero in competitive play. Having an escape mechanism and a chain of nukes, Akasha can kill a hero, greatly reduce an opposing team's HP and get out of the clash before she dies with her low HP.Akasha is needed in the mid game game to help your team harass/kill the enemy/enemies and clearing the way to reach tower. Akasha need to level up as soon as possible. So, it is a good idea to place Akasha first in the solo lane.

Monday, March 7, 2011


Posted by IsShiDa.Zx 9:31 PM, under | No comments

SlardarSlardar is a strength hero.Slardar is a powerful close range stunner and physical damage fighter. Slardar excels at chasing down fragile heroes and bashing them into the dirt. Slithereen Crush and Bash allow him to stun and damage a target, then follow up with additional bashes to keep them stunned and finish them off. To get into close enough range to make use of his stun skills, Slardar uses Sprint. Sprint gives him a massive movement speed bonus for a relatively long duration, but causes him to take extra damage from enemy attacks and spells. This downside makes good Sprint usage critical for Slardar: trying to catch a fleeing hero with Sprint can often turn into a trap, and due to the extra damage Slardar can get into a lot of trouble. To help keep an eye on his target and make sure they go down quickly, Slardar uses Amplify Damage. This ability gives Slardar vision of a target unit and drastically reduces their armor, making them easy prey for his powerful attacks. If faced with this dangerous hero, it's best to keep him as far away.
Slardar is a hero that has gone from being a forgotten hero to being considered the most imbalanced hero in game to being a forgotten hero once again in a rather short period of time without much changes. Slardar had his time at the top and he only fell from grace as he is a melee hero and the way DotA is played now is with a lot of ranged crap going on in massive team-fights where a melee hero has very little to offer. But guess what, Slardar isn't just your typical melee hero. Slardar has a skill that gives him maximum movespeed and another that gives him vision over his target (this is really precious) while dropping their armor to laughable levels. To top it all off, Slardar has a 8 second cd aoe stun. Bash is a very underrated skill that is very useful at times and it's the icing on the top as far as Slardar's skillset goes. This hero is a serious contender for the hero with the best skillset and needless to say, Slardar is still very strong despite the recent trend.

Bounty Hunter

Posted by IsShiDa.Zx 9:00 PM, under | 2 comments

Bounty Hunter
Bounty Hunter is an agility hero.Bounty Hunter is a Draenei that is often called upon for his superior skills. Not much is known about his past, but Bounty Hunter capabilities are extraordinary. Some believe he learned from a ninja clan while others say he was born with his amazing abilities. Bounty Hunter is able to throw shurikens with extreme accuracy and has the strength to strike down any foe with his two swift blades. Bounty Hunter's agility is matched by none, and his stealth is inferior only to few. Bounty Hunter is interested in the conflict for money alone, and is promised a large reward.Bounty Hunters like Gondar do not play by the rules. Bounty Hunter ideal attack pattern is to initiate from the shadows and stab you in the back. Bounty Hunter'll keep this up if unchecked, and carries deadly Shurikens to deal high ranged damage as well. He also learns Jinada, which allows him to deal critical damage while slowing his prey down, allowing his strength to match his cunning later on. What sets him aside from any other killer, however, is that Bounty Hunter doesn't work for free. Gondar can Track his targets, lowering their armor, monitoring their location, making them easier to chase, and providing a hefty gold reward if the poor sap winds up dead--which he makes often the case.


Posted by IsShiDa.Zx 8:41 PM, under | No comments

WindrunnerWindrunner is an intelligence hero.Although Windrunner is an intelligence hero, Windrunner's gameplay style resembles an agility hero in many ways. Windrunner relies on her physical attack most of the time, and Windrunner has a powerful attack speed increasing ability which lets her fire very quickly. Windrunner can launch deadly Power Shots, which strike the first target with massive damage, then lose a little the more units they pass through. Power Shot is very good at picking off injured heroes who are trying to flee, due to its long range, fast projectile, and good initial damage. To stop enemies from fleeing in the first place, has Shackleshot. Although it doesn't deal any damage by itself, Shackleshot is one of the best single-target stuns around. This ability allows the Windrunner to shackle a target either to a tree or to another enemy unit, potentially stunning two heroes for a lengthy period of time. Windrunner, Alleria's third skill, allows her to escape dangerous situations, position herself for good Shackleshots, and catch up to fleeing enemies. If Powershot isn't enough to take down a target, Windrunner can use Focus Fire. This powerful ability makes her attack at the fastest possible rate at a single enemy unit for a long duration, but reduces her total damage. This skill is often used in conjunction with Shackleshot, but it is also effective against buildings and other stationary targets. Windrunner is a killing machine for fleeing hero.

Doom Bringer

Posted by IsShiDa.Zx 7:43 PM, under | No comments

Doom Bringer
Doom Bringer is a strength hero.The mighty Doom Bringer is a versatile and dangerous foe.Doom Bringer's offensive spells are very damaging.The Doom Bringer is hands down one of the scariest heroes in the game, and for a very good reason. Once under Doom, casters become useless, the guy with 6 Rapiers probably not so much, but it probably will cause him to tremble in fear of losing them anyway and at some moments, some heroes just can't help but refuse to level up, in fear of the almighty LVL.Death that causes them to eat extra damage.LVL? Death allows him to pick off heroes at range, and deals extra damage against heroes of certain multiple of levels. The dreaded Doom is one of the most feared spells in the game, and with good reason. Not only does it deal massive damage over time to its target, it also silences them completely for its duration. Although the Doom Bringer is no pushover in physical combat, he lacks any dedicated fighting abilities. Instead, Doom Bringer relies on Devour to feed his appetite for powerful items, and buffs his movement and attack speed with Scorched Earth. With his good income, strong damage spells, and the ability to effectively knock a single enemy hero out of a fight, the Doom Bringer is a formidable opponent in any match up and who knows what extra abilities this dude has after Devour? A stun, a slow? Nobody knows, which adds all much more to the fear of facing Doom Bringer.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Posted by IsShiDa.Zx 9:49 AM, under | No comments

RexxarRexxar is a strength hero.The Rexxar is a very well-rounded fighter, with many tactical options available for all types of combat. Although his physical attacks are melee,Rexxar can throw his axes at long range to slice through enemies, dealing lethal damage.Rexxar Primal Roar can turn the most organized defense into chaos, allowing the rexxar and his allies to move in for the kill. His summoning skills serve as effective support for his blitz-style combat. Rexxar's agile Hawk flies above the battlefield scouting for enemies, and the powerful slowing abilities of his Quillbeast's spines give him time to finish off fleeing foes. A skilled Rexxar is a deadly foe, capable of fighting any enemy on any terms and crushing them to a pulp.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Mogul Khan

Posted by IsShiDa.Zx 8:19 AM, under | No comments

Mogul KhanMogul Khan is a strength hero.Mogul Khan's ability to disrupt an enemy team is legendary, his tanking skills renowned.Mogul Khan's Battle Hunger gives enemies the choice between staying back and taking damage, or engaging in battle and risking being trapped by Berserker's Call.Mogul Khan spins like a top and deals a lot of damage to all the enemies near or around him.The extremely effective combination of Berserker's Call and Counter Helix can cause massive amounts of damage to a large group of enemies, while allowing Mogul Khan's allies free reign. If an enemy should manage to escape Mogul Khan's Call, Mogul Khan can abruptly end their life with his mighty Culling Blade. Truly, Mogul Khan is an enemy to be feared, lest his opponents taste his blade.

Monday, February 21, 2011


Posted by IsShiDa.Zx 10:54 PM, under | No comments

EarthshakerEarthshaker is a strength hero.Although the Earthshaker is a strength hero, Earthshaker's real power lies in his spells. With a well-placed Echo Slam, Raigor can single-handedly level an entire team of enemies if they are foolish enough to bunch together.Earthshaker's Fissure spell is very versatile. While it deals decent damage along with a stun, it also creates an impassible wall of rock for several seconds. A skilled Earthshaker can use this to his advantage, blocking enemy movement and trapping hapless foes between a rock and a hard place. Enchant Totem gives Earthshaker a significant damage boost for one attack, and Earthshaker's passive Aftershock ability causes a minor stun and damage effect under him every time he casts one of his spells. Although Earthshaker is one of the more difficult heroes to use to his full strength, Earthshaker is also known as one of the most deadly heroes in skilled hands.


Posted by IsShiDa.Zx 10:51 PM, under | No comments

ButcherButcher is a strength hero who gains strength if Butcher kills his enemies.Pudge the Butcher is one of the most difficult heroes to play effectively, but also one of the most rewarding.Butcher's Meat Hook skill is extremely deadly, but also difficult to utilize. A well placed Meat Hook will snag an enemy hero and drag them to the Butcher, dealing a lot of damage along the way. Once the target has been hooked, Butcher uses his other two active skills to finish them off. Rot is a toggled damage over time skill which affects all nearby enemies and also Butcher himself.Butcher must be careful when using this skill. Although it does a lot of damage it can quickly drain his life and make him easy prey for enemies. To stop his target from escaping or fighting back,Butcher can use his Dismember ability. This short range skill deals even more damage and completely immobilizes the target. When used in succession, these three skills make Butcher a dangerous assassin, although Butcher may not look like it. To aid his risky gameplay,Butcher has a passive skill called Flesh Heap. Flesh Heap provides some magic resistance which reduces the damage Butcher takes from rot, and gives Butcher a minor permanent bonus to his strength every time he kills a unit.

Phantom Lancer

Posted by IsShiDa.Zx 10:28 PM, under | No comments

Phantom LancerPhantom Lancer is an agility hero who can make a lot copies of himself but a bit weaker ones.The Phantom Lancer causes chaos and confusion by creating weaker clones of himself. All of Phantom Lancer's abilities allow him to summon more illusions.Phantom Lancer's Spirit Lance deals damage and slows an enemy, while also spawning an image at the target. Doppelwalk renders Phantom Lancer invisible, but an image is immediately created to hide the fact that he disappeared. Juxtapose grants a chance to summon an image whenever he attacks, while Phantom Lancer Edge grants images a chance to do the same along with providing him and his copies spell resistance. These illusions make Phantom Lancer a fearsome enemy, and a devastating pusher.Although his true name is unknown to his allies, Phantom Lancer's assigned name tells you enough. Like the Angel of Death, Azrael, Phantom Lancer fights to rid the world of those who choose to embrace undeath.Phantom Lancer is able to appear and disappear at will like a wraith, often appearing in many places at once.Phantom Lancer is more than capable of dispatching the undead using his lance, each blow sending them closer to the spirit-realm. This lance is the source of his astounding ability to duplicate himself; whenever it draws blood Phantom Lancer can use their life to create weaker copies of himself.


Posted by IsShiDa.Zx 9:41 PM, under | No comments

MortredMortred is an agility hero.Mortred is a paper hero early in the game but later or has significant damage potential.If you play Mortred well and make Mortred strong then you can easily kill your enemies before they get help.Mortred was born into the reclusive Night Elf order known as the Wardens and shunned by mainstream Night Elf society, Mortred pledged allegiance to the Scourge to take revenge. A perfect blend of strength and speed, the years spent alone in the forests of Ashenvale allowed her to blend into the terrain, appearing phantomlike at times and striking when you least expect it. The deadly precision with which Mortred carries out her attacks have made her a valuable member of the Scourge, and it is clear why Mortred is known as the Phantom Assassin.Mortred can hit critical more than any other heroes.Mortred's critical will grow up to 4 times her damage at level 16.Mortred is one killing machine.Mortred can kill 5 hero's if she has the right item.Mortred can kill intelligent hero's just by cleaving attack if she critical's.Mortred is one powerful hero.But if Mortred is harasshed from the beginning and if Mortred does not gets enough farm then Mortred is of no use in the game.

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Posted by IsShiDa.Zx 1:28 AM, under | No comments

MedusaMedusa is a tank, both in durability and AOE damage, once she is fully leveled. Her early game consists of spamming Mystic Snake for gold and harass. Split Shot will become truly formidable after you've acquired damage item. You need to be in the center of team fights, as you can effectively output 300% damage with Split Arrow. Focus fire on you is mitigated by your Mana Shield for tanking and Stone Gaze which slows movement and attack speed, dispels status buffs and damage summon units.Medusa has decent overall stats growth which is good as medusa needs all 3 attributes.Medusa base strength is rather low to make up with potential HP provided by mana shield.Her main attribute growth is average,Medusa's not the imba stats growth type but a skill-based cary, meaning levellling up is very important.Medusa base damage and attack animation ranks among the average, good last hitting ability is required.Medusa base armor is low, don't get hit too much early game.Medusa is a surprisingly resilient hero with a wide array of skills that fulfill numerous roles.Medusa’s got great stats development and is pretty useful in all the game. It’s really hard to profile her an early/mid/late game when Medusa’s such an excellent hero all game. Medusa's rainbow of skills allow her to carry, tank, farm, and even debuff. Medusa is, essentially, a jack of all trades, but ideally Medusa’s a great carrier.


Posted by IsShiDa.Zx 1:05 AM, under | No comments

SniperSniper is the agility hero.The first advantage of Sniper over other heroes is range.Sniper has the longest range in Dota.Sniper can shoot at towers without getting hit.Add to the fact that Sniper has a very fast attack animation.Sniper is an excellent harassing hero,last hitter and denier.One of the weakest carriers defensive wise. He’s got the longest range in the game and rightly so. Once you get close he’s not hard to deal with unless he’s gotten pretty geared. He’s a fairly noob friendly hero with his far range, but if you put him in a pro’s hands he can be a farming machine and very frightening.Sniper is a testament to his name and race.Using only Sniper's finely honed skills of markmanship and his trusty rifle,Sniper systematically destroys his opponents from a far distance.Taking great care to aim for the most vulnerable of areas,Sniper is capable of severely injuring an opponent, and with a little extra time,has been known to simply dispose of an enemy in a single shot.Sniper's rifle is equipped with a secondary barrel, capable of launching a short busrst of shrapnel at close range,causing massive damage.You can terminate any hero which is running away with a click.

Faceless Void

Posted by IsShiDa.Zx 12:28 AM, under | No comments

Faceless VoidFaceless Void is an agility hero.Faceless Void was once human,but his background is shrouded in darkness, even to himself. What we know is that Faceless Void was thrown into the Void between worlds and has emerged with the power of manipulating time.Faceless Void can freeze his enemies in time and avoid hits by traveling a split-second back in time, right before receiving the blow. Faceless Void can briefly rip apart the fabric of space-time to freeze both allies and opponents around him, yet remain free himself to act. It is rumored that Faceless Void can instantly strike any man in a legion of soldiers, but nobody sees him move.Faceless Void is a good hero, but in most situations shouldnt be built like a tank, because Faceless Void will get smashed by anyone with any damage return/counterbash/disable.The best build for Faceless Void takes advantage of his chronsphere, which gives you up to 5 seconds at (level16) to KILL a hero, not take them down in order to finish them later, but kill them outright.Faceless Void in this case is essentailly an assasin, who pops out of nowhere,chronophere and kills the even the most dangerous hero.

Rogue Knight

Posted by IsShiDa.Zx 12:15 AM, under | No comments

Rogue Knight
Rogue Knight is all about getting pumped up.Rogue Knight is a strength hero but still Rogue Knight is not the best strength tanker, but Rogue Knight is a good ganker and can be a good carry since Rogue Knight's skills allow him to deal a lot of area of effect damage to several targets at once.Storm Bolt is a powerful damage spell, which stuns both the target and all surrounding units for several seconds, allowing Rogue Knight to catch up and deal with them.Rogue Knight's Warcry ability helps, giving Rogue Knight and nearby allies a temporary movement speed and armor bonus so they can charge quickly and fearlessly.Rogue Knight has come to terminate the evils armed with his blessed cleaving blade Justice and harnessing the power to strike down Rogue Knight's enemies with the might of God's Strength, A follower of the great God of Order, Paladine, Rogue Knight has sworn to uphold the rights of all. Born of a Knight and a Night Elf and ostracized since birth, Rogue Knight has lead a solitary existence of meditation and training.Rogue Knight has come out of his wanderings determined to guard the innocent against evil and his enemies with the might of God's Strength, Rogue Knight's wrath toward the unjust is a sight to behold..Rogue Knight's foes should be especially fearful of his powerful physical attacks. God's Strength pumps Rogue Knight's damage very high, and Cleave turns every attack into an area of damage. Although Rogue Knight gameplay is fairly straightforward,Rogue Knight should not be underestimated. The best course of action when faced with a fully pumped Rogue Knight is not to face him but to run away from him.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Luna Moonfang

Posted by IsShiDa.Zx 11:45 PM, under | No comments

Luna MoonfangLuna Moonfang is an agility hero.Luna Moonfang is an expert carrier and farmer. Her nukes give a mini stun which is extremely useful and she has a great range with it as well. It’s great for chasing. Her passives make farming and dealing damage even easier and if this much damage wasn’t enough the guranteed demolition of the opponent whenever you cast your ultimate should be more than enough.Luna Moonfang may look and feel soft and tender, but Luna Moonfang can deal great amounts of damage to both single and multiple foes.Luna Moonfang's Lucent Beams inflict ample damage from high range early on, and Luna Moonfang's ultimate Eclipse fires multiple beams rapidly at random targets around her, making quick work of isolated opponents.Luna Moonfang's glaive attacks passively bounce from one target to the next, allowing her to deal damage to a number of units, and can become extremely powerful if enough damage is acquired. Luna Moonfang passively empowers herself and nearby allies with a Lucent Blessing,which also increases Luna Moonfang's night vision. Luna Moonfang needs to be kept down, and to bring Luna Moonfang down one must approach with caution, precision or backup.


Posted by IsShiDa.Zx 11:11 PM, under | No comments

RazorRazor is an agility hero.Razor is a true blue carry hero and farmer. Razor moves fast,Razor attacks fast, and is easily one of the top farmers and especially friendly. Razor's fast attack speed makes last hitting particularly easy as well. Not to mention Razor’s got a nuke that’s great for harassing and sniping and his aura that helps Razor regenerate and move even faster.Razor releases a wave energetic plasma which grows in power as it extends outwards so i.e. Razor deals damage to units both on expansion and on contraction. The further the plasma is from Razor the more energy it has.Taps into the energy of a target hero, creating a charged link between Razor and his foe. As long as this link is maintained, Razor will continue to steal damage from the target and adds it to his own. Drains up to 10 seconds. Bonus lasts 13 seconds after that to Razor.Razor’s very body is a constantly shifting miasma of dark energy.Razor calls upon a powerful storm of crackling energy, which strikes weakened enemies with deadly bolts of Razor's lightning.The storm is charged with Razor’s malevolent will, and will seek out only the most injured targets for its armor shattering blasts.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Posted by IsShiDa.Zx 5:53 AM, under | No comments

Nevermore is one of the agility hero.Nevermore is a her who never Nevermore a demon of the burning legion so abhorred that he makes the skin of even his fellow demons crawl, Nevermore is a creature of the shadows that consumes the souls of those around him who is killed by Nevermore himself. When Nevermore comes forth to battle, he augments his power with the souls he has consumed, bearing down on his enemies with spiritually enhanced attacks and powerful spiritual blasts.Nevermore is a terrifying opponent whom few have survived, and those who have perished under his tyranny have faced the most despicable fate of all.

Monday, February 14, 2011


Posted by IsShiDa.Zx 8:56 PM, under | No comments

Bloodseeker is an unusual mixture of half orc half demon.Bloodseeker is an outcast among all forms of life.Welcomed by the scourge,Bloodseeker uses his ability to control his enemies life force to kill all that cross him.Bloodseeker is an outcast amongst all mortal creatures.By thriving on and bathing himself with the blood of those he slays,Bloodseeker can heal his wounds.Beware the one who dares venturing alone, for Bloodseeker can sense his blood miles away and gain vision through his helpless prey's eyes.Once the enemy is ruptured its impossible and foolish running.Bloodseeker runs after him to get ಹಿಸ್ blood to end his thirst.


Posted by IsShiDa.Zx 8:35 PM, under | No comments


Zeus is one of the most popular heroes in Dota. Not only is Zeus incredibly fun to play, but Zeus is considered so powerful.Zeus is a worthy pick in competitive games. Although Zeus does not have an escape mechanism, Zeus is one of the few non-stun Intelligence heroes to see competitive play. Zeus is not too complex of a hero: Zeus has insane burst damage early game, with great scaling late game thanks to Static Field, and a global nuke that is perhaps one of the most annoying skills in all of Dota.


Posted by IsShiDa.Zx 7:46 PM, under | No comments

Juggernaut is an explosive fighter.Juggernaut can unload unbelievable damage at a very fast speed. Juggernaut’s a great carry hero with the right items and damn near unstoppable with them.Juggernaut has taken his skills with a blade to new levels. Spinning with it outstretched in a Fury, Juggernaut becomes immune to magic and deals great damage to enemy around him, allowing him to be efficiently aggressive if timed well but Juggernaut takes physical damage.Juggernaut will frequently slash at Critical points on the body to deal twice his damage, and Juggernaut can provide a Healing Ward in more tranquil times. The Juggernaut's ultimate attack is a fierce Omnislash, which slashes towards a target and then consecutively slashes at any targets within the area at random--extremely potent damage if concentrated, but potentially weak if dispersed amongst too many enemies.Slicing through armor with the greatest of ease. Whirling, dancing like a dervish, swiping foes with a flick of the wrist. Poetry in motion, slashing enemy upon enemy in the blink of an eye.Juggernaut seeks perfection.Juggernaut seeks to become one with his blade.One-on-one with a Juggernaut is just asking to be killed. All to fulfill his destiny as the unstoppable Juggernaut but the only draw back of this awesome hero Juggernaut is Juggernaut's eak stats and low HP.


Posted by IsShiDa.Zx 7:17 PM, under | No comments

The Antimage- Antimage is an agility hero.Antimage has more movement speed than other heroes.Antimage is a killing machine.No other hero can chase his enemies as Antimage can. Every caster or even strength hero fears a good Antimage and that’s what the Antimage wants them to do. Antimage is a deadly assassin, able to chase, kill and retreat fast. Of course, Antimage is a hero not easy to play and if you play against a good team, it can be difficult.Antimage is a fast and tricky character to use.Antimage’s great for destroying casters, but Antimage can also carry with his incredibly fast attack speed and with quick use of blink to dodge nukes and stun.Antimage’s not an easy character and it takes a lot of patience and practice to become good with him. He needs much experience to play as well, and you need to know ALL heros in Dota and how dangerous they can be for you.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Posted by IsShiDa.Zx 2:09 AM, under | No comments

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