
Monday, February 14, 2011


Posted by IsShiDa.Zx 8:56 PM, under | No comments

Bloodseeker is an unusual mixture of half orc half demon.Bloodseeker is an outcast among all forms of life.Welcomed by the scourge,Bloodseeker uses his ability to control his enemies life force to kill all that cross him.Bloodseeker is an outcast amongst all mortal creatures.By thriving on and bathing himself with the blood of those he slays,Bloodseeker can heal his wounds.Beware the one who dares venturing alone, for Bloodseeker can sense his blood miles away and gain vision through his helpless prey's eyes.Once the enemy is ruptured its impossible and foolish running.Bloodseeker runs after him to get ಹಿಸ್ blood to end his thirst.


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