
Monday, April 18, 2011


Posted by IsShiDa.Zx 10:17 PM, under | No comments

JakiroJakiro is an intelligence hero who is a good lane coverer.Jakiro currently isn't used much, neither in competitive DotA nor in public games. That doesn't mean that Jakiro's a bad hero though. Jakiro is a fun hero to use, all his 3 active skills require some sort of aiming, positioning and timing for maximum effect. Jakiro is a very potent pusher and has loads of AoE-spells up his sleeve to create havoc in clashes. Due to Jakiro's strange mystical nature, he has a strange affinity with the element forces of ice and fire, allows Jakiro to devastate all he sees before him, and is more than capable of keeping a targets enemy in his line of fury. Jakiro is currently a very strong and powerful hero both in inhouses or pubbies and has a place in higher level play. By nature, Twin Head Dragon is a support hero, he is great in ganging, farming and pushing and has thepotential to dominate a lane with ease.Unfortunately he has trouble with teams that focus on armor reduction, which are rather common these days... Jakiro's teamfight-presence is easily countered by Blademails, Pipes and Hoods.


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