
Monday, March 7, 2011


Posted by IsShiDa.Zx 9:31 PM, under | No comments

SlardarSlardar is a strength hero.Slardar is a powerful close range stunner and physical damage fighter. Slardar excels at chasing down fragile heroes and bashing them into the dirt. Slithereen Crush and Bash allow him to stun and damage a target, then follow up with additional bashes to keep them stunned and finish them off. To get into close enough range to make use of his stun skills, Slardar uses Sprint. Sprint gives him a massive movement speed bonus for a relatively long duration, but causes him to take extra damage from enemy attacks and spells. This downside makes good Sprint usage critical for Slardar: trying to catch a fleeing hero with Sprint can often turn into a trap, and due to the extra damage Slardar can get into a lot of trouble. To help keep an eye on his target and make sure they go down quickly, Slardar uses Amplify Damage. This ability gives Slardar vision of a target unit and drastically reduces their armor, making them easy prey for his powerful attacks. If faced with this dangerous hero, it's best to keep him as far away.

Slardar is a hero that has gone from being a forgotten hero to being considered the most imbalanced hero in game to being a forgotten hero once again in a rather short period of time without much changes. Slardar had his time at the top and he only fell from grace as he is a melee hero and the way DotA is played now is with a lot of ranged crap going on in massive team-fights where a melee hero has very little to offer. But guess what, Slardar isn't just your typical melee hero. Slardar has a skill that gives him maximum movespeed and another that gives him vision over his target (this is really precious) while dropping their armor to laughable levels. To top it all off, Slardar has a 8 second cd aoe stun. Bash is a very underrated skill that is very useful at times and it's the icing on the top as far as Slardar's skillset goes. This hero is a serious contender for the hero with the best skillset and needless to say, Slardar is still very strong despite the recent trend.


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